M. Ramnath KuduaSenior Partner - Accounting & Taxation [Botswana]

Ramnath Kudua is Senior Partner of Mazars Botswana and heads up the Accounting & Taxation division. He has more than 23 years of Accounting & Corporate taxation experience. Ramnath Kudua joined the firm in January 1999 from Deloitte Haskins & Sells in India where he was an Audit Manager. He joined Mazars as an Accounts Manager and was inducted as a partner in 2003. Ramnath’s fields of expertise cover various sectors, including property, manufacturing and retail services.

Ramnath Kudua has many years of experience in compiling financial statements for various
clients. Tax compliance has been his main forte with respect to clients. He has represented
many companies during tax audits and has represented a client before the Board of Adjudicators. Ramnath Kudua is also a member of the Tax Committee of the Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants. Ramnath has also acted as the Technical Assistant to the Casino Control Board and was responsible for certifying monthly gaming revenues for the purpose of levy calculation.

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