Appels d’offres & Opportunités d'affaires

Tenders of the Week 14-10-2021

FUNAE - Supply of Goods

EMOSE - Supply of Goods

EDM – Technical Support for the Reduction of Non-Technical Losses in EDM

ANE - Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation for the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of R1251 Road Section of 35 km between Roma and Nambungale Lot A Phase II in Cabo Delgado Province

Road Fund - Fuel Supply

FUNAE - Consultancy for Construction Project Design

EDM - Consultants by Beneficiaries of Financing from the French Development Agency (AFD) With European Union (EU) Delegated Funds

Ministry of Minerals Resources and Energy - Supply of 10 Workstations for ENH


Télécharger FUNAE_-_Supply_of_Goods.pdf  (PDF • 312 Ko) Télécharger EMOSE_-_Supply_of_Goods.pdf  (PDF • 238 Ko) Télécharger EDM_-_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT_FOR_THE_REDUCTION_OF_NON-TECHNICAL_LOSSES_IN_EDM.pdf  (PDF • 483 Ko) Télécharger ANE_-_Consultancy_Services_for_Monitoring_and_Evaluation_for_the_Rehabilitation_and_Upgrading_of_R1251_Road_Section_of_35_km_between_Roma_and_Nambungale_Lot_A_Phase_II_in_Cabo_Delgado_Province.pdf  (PDF • 143 Ko) Télécharger Road_Fund_-_Fuel_Supply.pdf  (PDF • 381 Ko) Télécharger FUNAE-Consultancy_for_Construction_Project_Design.pdf  (PDF • 275 Ko) Télécharger EDM-Consultants_by_Beneficiaries_of_Financing_from_the_French_Development_Agency__AFD__With_European_Union__EU__Delegated_Funds.pdf  (PDF • 677 Ko) Télécharger Ministry_of_Minerals_Resources_and_Energy_-_Supply_of_10_Workstations_for_ENH.pdf  (PDF • 126 Ko)


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