Tenders of the Week 04-08-2023

IITA - Financial Audit Services

AIAS - Construction of WWTP and Sewage Network

AMPCM - Consulting Services

CSPRE - Financial Audit Services

EDM - Transport and Locksmith Services

GIZ - Electric Generator Procurement Services

GIZ - Supply of IT Equipment

FUNAE - Supervision of the Construction of Fuel Station

DNIC - Acquisition of IT and Office Material

CSPRE - Financial Audit Services

AIAS - Construction of WWTP and Sewage Network

INGD - Drafting Resettlement Guides

UPRehabilitation of the Library Building

WE - Car and Motorbike Acquisition Services

NRC - Legal Retainer Services

INSS - Hygiene and Cleaning Services

GDN - Construction Services

ARPAC Procurement Services


Télécharger NRC_Legal_Retainer_Services.pdf  (PDF • 98 Ko) Télécharger WE_-_Car_and_Motorbike_Acquisition_Services.pdf  (PDF • 127 Ko) Télécharger GIZ_-_Supply_of_IT_Equipment.pdf  (PDF • 142 Ko) Télécharger GIZ_-_Electric_Generator_Procurement_Services.pdf  (PDF • 139 Ko) Télécharger CSPRE_-_Financial_Audit_Services.pdf  (PDF • 139 Ko) Télécharger UP_-_Rehabilitation_of_the_Library_Building.pdf  (PDF • 164 Ko) Télécharger EDM_-_Transport_and_Locksmith_Services.pdf  (PDF • 194 Ko) Télécharger INGD_-_Drafting_Resettlement_Guides.pdf  (PDF • 129 Ko) Télécharger AIAS_-_Construction_of_WWTP_and_Sewage_Network.pdf  (PDF • 173 Ko) Télécharger IITA_-_Financial_Audit_Services.pdf  (PDF • 149 Ko) Télécharger GDN_-_Construction_Services.pdf  (PDF • 107 Ko) Télécharger FUNAE_-_Supervision_of_the_Construction_of_Fuel_Station.pdf  (PDF • 144 Ko) Télécharger DNIC_-_Acquisition_of_IT_and_Office_Material.pdf  (PDF • 102 Ko) Télécharger INSS_-_Catering_Services.pdf  (PDF • 128 Ko) Télécharger AMPCM_-_Consulting_Services.pdf  (PDF • 158 Ko) Télécharger INSS_-.pdf  (PDF • 128 Ko)


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