Communication - Presse
Mozambique: Airports report results
The company Aeroportos de Moçambique (ADM) announced that activities carried out last year yielded an income of 1,825, 950,321 meticais, which represents a reversal of the negative trend registered in the same period of 2020.
The Board of Directors considers that last year’s results were impacted by the 3.3 percent growth in turnover and favourable exchange rate differences arising from the appreciation of the metical , but also by the adversities that occurred in the world and national economy.
In its message alluding to the publication of the 2021 report and accounts, the Board of Directors recognises that despite the challenges imposed by Covid-19, thanks to the collaboration of workers at all levels, it was possible to carry out some impact activities.
Among these activities, the highlight goes to the conclusion and inauguration of Filipe Jacinto Nyusi Airport, in Chongoene district, financed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China on a donation basis, with the capacity to receive 220,000 passengers per year; the appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADM to preside over ACI-África (International Association of African Airports) and the external training provided online by ACI and other entities.
Internally, basic courses were given for aerodrome firefighters at Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, Inhambane and Vilankulo airports; human resources were recruited for the airports of Maputo, Beira and Nacala, where some training courses were also promoted.
Technical and professional courses necessary for horizontal and vertical career progression were also given.
Despite the restrictions imposed by the government, resulting from the third wave of the global Covid-19 outbreak, which substantially reduced the movement of people and goods, the company recorded better indicators in relation to the plan for 2021, as well as when compared to the same period in 2020.
This growth derives from the increase in the mobility of people driven by large projects, namely oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Cabo Delgado and mineral coal in Tete, not neglecting the movements captured by tourism in large centres and business headquarters.
“The production results achieved for the period from January to December 2021 were not positive, given that, as previously mentioned, they were highly impacted by the restrictions imposed by the Government arising from the third wave of Covid-19”, the company says.
Referring to the main figures, the company highlights that 1,208,470 passengers were registered, representing a compliance of 106.3 percent, which represents an increase of 18.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and a reduction of 44.1 percent compared with 2019.
In terms of aircraft movement, there were 42,450 entries, representing a compliance of 101.1 percent and an increase of 27.6 percent when compared to the same period in 2020.
In cargo movement, 10,982 tons were registered, representing 118.6 percent of the planned amount, making an increase of 28.5 percent compared to 2020.