Communication - Presse
First Rovuma Gas Shipment Delayed: Major Malfunction Detected at Coral Sul Platform
Information company Energy Intelligence has reported that the South Coral Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal is experiencing technical problems that could delay the shipment of the first load of Rovuma gas to the markets.
The LNG will be produced by a consortium led by Italian energy company ENI. The floating LNG platform, built at a Korean shipyard, arrived in Mozambican waters in January and was anchored in Area Four of the Rovuma Basin, about 40 kilometres off the coast of Cabo Delgado province. This is the first deepwater gas platform in the world, operating in water depths of around 2,000 metres.
Last week, “Carta” reported that the tanker “British Mentor” was on its way to Coral Sul to load LNG for British company BP. However, according to the ship tracking website “Marine Traffic”, the “British Mentor”, after spending a few days in the Mozambique Channel, changed its destination to Oman and is heading north to a port in that Arabian country.
According to Energy Intelligence, a source said that serious problems have been reported at Coral FLNG, with a critical distillation column (demethaniser) suspected to have internal damage. The shutdown is required for inspection and repair, which will delay the start-up schedule by several days, if not weeks.”
When fully operational, the terminal will produce 3.4 million tonnes of LNG per year. All its production over the next 20 years was bought by BP. However, BP spokesman, contacted by AIM, could not comment on British Mentor’s moves.
The Coral Sul project is the first of three LNG production projects in Mozambique. The project, called Mozambique Rovuma Ventures, is a partnership between ENI, US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which together control 70 percent of the venture. The remaining 30 percent is split equally between Mozambican state oil and gas company ENH, Portugal’s Galp Energia and South Korea’s Kogas.