CCIFM General Assembly 24.01.2023 – Hotel Avenida

Camara de Comercio e Industria França-Moçambique CCIFM held yesterday its General Assembly at Hotel Avenida TD Hotels in Maputo.

We looked back at our key highlights during 2022:

** strong growth of the number of member companies. We are now a community of +120 companies!! We thank each and one of you for the trust you place in the CCIFM.
** Organization of 15 events (business breakfasts, networking cocktails, workshops…) which gathered +960 people
** Participation to exhibitions and conferences: AME Trade MMEC, dmg events' Gas & Energy Summit and FACIM
** Welcoming to Mozambique delegations from La Réunion & CCI Mayotte
** Advancing on the local content training program and the project of cooperation between Grand Port Maritime De La RéunionPortos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) & Camara de Comercio e Industria França-Moçambique CCIFM
·** And more..

We looked at our 2022 financials, voted the budget for 2023, and finally, we exchanged ideas about the activities we would like to see happening in 2023, so STAY TUNED FOR MORE.

Thank you again for your trust & support!


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