Bilateral Session Mozambique - France of May 16th during the XIX edition of CASP (Conferência Anual do Sector Privado)
Bilateral Session Mozambique - France of May 16th during the XIX edition of CASP (Conferência Anual do Sector Privado).
The Frame: the MOU signed last October in Paris between CTA (Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique) & EVOLEN (French Energies Association).
➕ Session introduced by Ambassador of France to Mozambique Yann Pradeau
➕ Presentation from Gaetan Mandagot on the role & missions of EVOLEN
➕ Presentation of Mphanda Nkuwa project by Héloïse Lemaire from EDF International Networks Mozambique & Victor Come from GMNK
➕ Discussions on “what to keep in mind from a legal & fiscal perspective if you wish to invest in Mozambique” with Katia Esmael-Buzi from Deloitte & Orlanda Gisela Graça from CGA - Couto, Graça e Associados, Lda.
➕ Session concluded by Vice-President of CTA Prakash Prehlad
➕ Session moderated by Crystelle Coury from Camara de Comercio e Industria França-Moçambique CCIFM