
On-line event: 7th EABF EU-AFRICA BUSINESS FORUM 2022 - 14th to 18th February 2022

Dear Members,

We invite you to attend 7th EABF EU-AFRICA BUSINESS FORUM 2022. A business event co-organized by the European Commission, the African Union Commission and key EU and African Union business organizations and institutions, this event brings together political and business leaders from the EU and Africa to multiply opportunities for partnerships in sustainable economy.

The event will take place from 14th to 18th February 2022, virtual Platform.

N.B. Please register to the event: https://www.euafrica-businessforum.com/en 


Télécharger EABF22_Flyer_PT_V02.pdf  (PDF • 3 Mo) Télécharger EABF22_Flyer_EN_V05.pdf  (PDF • 3 Mo) Télécharger High_Level_Panels_Programme.pdf  (PDF • 263 Ko)


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