Análises & Estudos

How our Singapore Campus is Tackling with Digital Twinning

Cathodic protection (CP) is critical in preventing the corrosion of vital infrastructure, such as bridges, pipelines and reinforced concrete structure

What is cathodic protection

An electrochemical process, cathodic protection is a way of preventing metal corrosion in wet or underwater environments. Ships, offshore structures such as wind turbines, and even water heaters are all examples of where CP is needed.

CP is achieved by placing anodes around a metal structure. These metal alloy anodes are more easily corroded than the structural material. The anodes draw corrosive energy, a small electrical charge, toward themselves and away from the structure.

Developing systems to deliver CP is complex as they must address several variables. These can range from the nature of a metallic structure to the required life of a system, as well as the temperature, environment and geographic location it’ll be used in.


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